MacHack 1996
MacHack 1996.toast
Presentations ’94
Timothy Knox
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71 lines
( Integer math routines for Pocket Forth 0.6 )
forget task : task ; decimal
: 2ROOT ( d -- n ) ( square root ) ( Forth assembler syntax )
,$ 48E7 ,$ 2800 ( .long SP -] 2800 movem>, )
,$ 2016 ( PS ] D0 move, )
,$ 383C ,$ 000F ( .word 15 # D4 move, .long )
,$ 7200 ,$ 7400 ( 0 D1 moveq, 0 D2 moveq, )
,$ E380 ,$ E391 ( DO, 1 # D0 asl, 1 # D1 roxl, )
,$ E380 ,$ E391 ( 1 # D0 asl, 1 # D1 roxl, )
,$ E382 ,$ 2602 ( 1 # D2 asl, D2 D3 move, )
,$ E383 ,$ B283 ( 1 # D3 asl, D3 D1 cmp, )
,$ 6306 ( ls IF, )
,$ 5282 ,$ 5283 ( 1 D2 addq, 1 D3 addq, )
,$ 9283 ( D3 D1 sub, THEN, )
,$ 51CC ,$ FFE6 ( D4 LOOP, )
,$ 2C82 ( D2 PS ] move, )
,$ 4CDF ,$ 0014 ( 14 SP ]+ movem<, )
drop ;
: ^2 ( n -- d ) dup u* ; ( square )
variable TTABLE 0 ttable ! ( sines*10000 )
00175 , 00349 , 00524 , 00698 , 00872 , 01045 , 01219 , 01392 ,
01571 , 01736 , 01908 , 02079 , 02250 , 02419 , 02588 , 02756 ,
02924 , 03090 , 03256 , 03420 , 03584 , 03746 , 03907 , 04067 ,
04226 , 04384 , 04540 , 04695 , 04848 , 05000 , 05150 , 05299 ,
05446 , 05592 , 05736 , 05878 , 06018 , 06157 , 06293 , 06428 ,
06561 , 06691 , 06820 , 06947 , 07071 , 07193 , 07314 , 07431 ,
07547 , 07660 , 07771 , 07880 , 07986 , 08090 , 08192 , 08290 ,
08387 , 08480 , 08572 , 08660 , 08746 , 08829 , 08910 , 08988 ,
09063 , 09135 , 09205 , 09272 , 09336 , 09397 , 09455 , 09511 ,
09563 , 09613 , 09659 , 09703 , 09744 , 09781 , 09816 , 09848 ,
09877 , 09903 , 09925 , 09945 , 09962 , 09976 , 09986 , 09994 ,
09998 , 10000 ,
: ?NEGATE ( n f -- n or -n ) IF negate THEN ;
: FIXANGLE ( degrees -- degrees' ) ( map angle to -180° to 180° range )
dup abs BEGIN dup 180 > WHILE 360 - REPEAT
swap 0< ?negate ;
: SIN ( degrees -- sin*10000 ) ( -180°≤angle≤180° )
fixangle dup 0< >r abs dup 90 > IF 180 swap - THEN
2* ttable + @ r> ?negate ;
: COS ( degrees -- cos*10000 )
dup 0< IF 90 + sin ELSE 90 - sin negate THEN ;
: ARCSIN ( sine*10000 -- degrees )
dup 0< >r abs ( save sign )
91 0 DO ( check all angles )
dup r 2* ttable + @ > 0= IF ( if sin>table value )
drop r leave THEN LOOP 1-
r> ?negate ; ( restore sign )
( interpolate for greater accuracy )
: SINE ( angle thousanths -- sine*10000 )
>r >r r sin r> 1+ sin over - r> 1000 */ + ;
: COSINE ( angle thousanths -- cosine*10000 )
>r >r r cos r> 1+ cos over - r> 1000 */ + ;
: TEST ( test this out )
100 150 !pen 275 150 -to 275 75 -to 100 150 -to
277 120 !pen ." 30 mm." 170 162 !pen ." 75 mm."
128 148 !pen 30 ^2 75 ^2 d+ 2root ( hypotenuse )
30 10000 rot */ arcsin . 161 emit cr ;
room page
( You have just loaded some integer math routines. They're )
( about twice as fast as their floating point counterparts,)
( with a coprocessor, ten times as fast without. )
( Examine the IntegerTrig file to see how it was done ).
( bytes of dictionary left. ) test